Should My Company Use A Cold Fill Process For Bottles
A cold fill process for bottles offers many benefits to the manufacturer and the consumer as products that are usually cold filled are those that can suffer product deterioration, loss of taste or nutrient content and other problems with the hot filling process. In fact there are some products that simply cannot be filled using the hot fill process and for those products the cold fill process is ideal. Additionally consumers want natural taste and flavor and this can be best sustained by cold fill, so if you are manufacturing products that have greater natural benefits you should opt for the cold fill process.
Using the cold fill process for bottles
If you opt for the cold fill process, you should know that this ensures that the product reaches the consumer in a usable condition. There are two ways of sterilizing plastic bottles – the dry (using hydrogen peroxide) and the wet (using paracetic acid and steam). Among the products that are suitable for cold filling are:
· Mineral water
· Fruit and vegetable juices
· Fruit drinks for hot fill plastic bottles
· Beverages
· Iced tea
· Nutritional drinks and beverages
· Dairy and milk drinks including yoghurt based drinks
· Some carbonated beverages like spritzers
The cold filling process offers many benefits to the manufacturer and if you are manufacturing products that can be cold filled you should be aware of the advantages such as:
· Natural product, no preservatives
· No quality degradation
· All kinds of inexpensive and attractive bottles can be used
· Minimal sterile zone required
· Decrease in operating costs, leading to a cost benefit
· High biological safety
· Greater flexibility and designing of containers
· Less energy usage
We have kept up with modern trends and the use of technology and can provide guidance and expertise on the cold fill process for bottles. We can also source the bottles, help with the decoration and printing of the bottles and provide you with end to end solutions for all your packaging needs.